Here at JBC there are plenty of ministries to get involved in.

Below is a list of many of those ministries with a brief description.  For more information regarding a ministry please contact the church.


The nursery is voluntarily staffed for all church services.

There are 2 sides:  the infant which is birth to walking and the toddler which is walking to potty trained.

The nursery is equipped with TVs and a paging system.  The TVs broadcast the service into the nursery for the workers.  Each parent should receive a pager when dropping their child off in the nursery.  If the parent is needed during the service their pager will vibrate.

The nurseries are located on the main floor of the church.

Sunday School

There are various Sunday School classes depending on your age and your interests.

We have classes for children ages two through high school.  As well as The Special Needs/Deaf Ministry; The Women of Wisdom (WOW) class; The Couples Class; or The general adult class in the main sanctuary.

Junior Church

This is a ministry for children during the regular 11:00 am and 7:00 pm service on Sundays.  The 11:00 am service is for children ages two through 5th grade.  The 7:00 pm service is for children ages two through 2nd grade.  Junior church takes place in the classrooms in the basement of the church.

Junior Church Choir

The Junior Church Choir is made up of children in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  They minister at Easter and Christmas.  For these programs the children practice during Junior Church at 11:00 am on Sundays in the basement.

Children’s  Ministry

The Children’s ministries are for ages two through 5th grade.  The Children’s ministry is a time for the children to sing Christ centered songs, learn the bible through skits and lessons, and have a time of games and hanging out.  The Children’s program is on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm.

The Children meet in the lower level of the church.  The Children’s ministry office is located in the lower level of the church across the hall from the kitchen.

Youth Group

The youth group is for grades 6th-12th.  They meet on Wednesday nights from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. This is for the time for the youth to meet together, worship, study the Bible, and talk about today’s events.  The youth group does activities such as roller skating, bowling, skiing, concerts, etc.

Adult Choir

The adult choir practices every Sunday at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.

There are 2 major performances each year including an Easter and Christmas program.

The choir ministers each Sunday morning during the 11:00 am service as well.

Senior Saints

The senior saints ministry is for anyone 50 years of age and older.  They meet approximately once a month for food, fun and fellowship.

Visitation Ministry

The visitation ministry consists of visits to shut-ins, hospitals, nursing homes and new people within the church.  These visits are accomplished by the Pastors, Deacons, the Ladies Auxiliary and our people.

Ladies Auxiliary

The ladies auxiliary meets once a month.

They arrange the Ladies Tea in the spring and the Men’s Brunch in the Winter.  They prepare Sunshine Baskets for individuals who are ill and guest speakers.  They send cards to college students, military personnel as well as others in the church that need encouragement.

They also assist with clean up after church meals.

Deaf Ministry

All of our services are interpreted for the deaf and hearing impaired.  The Deaf Ministry also meets during Sunday school in the basement of the church.  They have presentations periodically during the year, these presentations consist of the class signing to a musical selection.

Audio Ministry

Each of the Sunday services are recorded onto CD.  Copies of sermons can be requested by email or calling the church office.  All sermons are posted on the website every week.

Softball Team

The church is part of the Christian Fellowship Softball League.  Games are played March through July, with tournament games the last week of the season.  Games are played against other area churches.  Players come to have fun with fellow Christians.

Church Office

The church office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am until 3:30 pm.  The church office is located in the basement of the church near the door leading outside.  Much of the church business is handled through the church office.

The Official Board

The Official Board meets once a month.  It is made up of the pastors, deacons, and trustees.  It is believed their responsibility, as elected officials, is to serve the congregation.  The following is a short explanation of their responsibilities:

Deacon Board

The Deacons oversee the spiritual matters of the church.

These include Christian education, visitation, missions, membership, church discipline, and church service activities such as:  ushering, baptisms and communion.

Trustee Board

The Trustees have several responsibilities.  They are the caretakers of the facilities, grounds, vehicles and equipment.  They oversee development and improvements as well as attend to legal matters.  Finally, they manage all financial matters concerning the church.  The church operates on an annual budget which is set forth at the beginning of the fiscal year.